Your Kids Need Church To Be Strange
Your kids don’t need church to feel familiar—they need it to be so distinct, so strange, that it sparks the question: 'Why do we worship like this?'
The Case Against Evil Stomach Goblins
How do we communicate the gospel to a generation that has no understanding of the basic language that explains it?
In the Boneyard of Dead Orthodoxy
Dead orthodoxy looks alive on the outside but rots within. How can we guard against a lifeless faith that knows truth but lacks transformation?
God Doesn’t Love Everyone the Same—And Neither Do We
Does God’s love—and ours—truly demand equal devotion to all, or does Scripture call for a purposeful and ordered distinction?
How Older Women Can Help Younger Ones
Young Christian moms are overwhelmed by the flood of new ideas and spiritual trends—will older women step up to provide the wisdom and discernment they desperately need?
How Leftism Can Survive The Conservative Resurgence | The Redtape Letters V
Sure, there may be a rise of conservatism right now. But Comrade Redtape has some advice for Holloway on just how he can pivot in response.
The pseudoscience of psychology has replaced the Bible as the guide for raising children. With disastrous effects.
Fear Not
n a world gripped by fear, Christians are commanded 'Fear not!'—for Christ has come to rescue us from sin, death, and the greatest fears of all
How To Cause Godly Grief
We should make people upset. When necessary.
We Need More Jeremiahs
A world of deception needs proclaimers of truth.
Four Prayers For The Western Church In 2025
Here are four things we need to pray for as Christians in the year ahead
The Tragic Legacy of Jimmy Carter
While we wish Jimmy Carter's family comfort after his passing and acknowledge the commendable aspects of his legacy, it’s crucial to avoid recasting history as hagiography.
God’s Good Design: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Guide to Human Sexuality
God's design for human sexuality has been ignored and mocked. Michael Clary's book shows why we need to fight for this truth.
Why Charlie Brown is Wrong About Christmas
In the most Christian twenty-five minutes in all of television history, everyone knows that Linus nails the Gospel. Charlie Brown, however, is wrong about more than you think.
The Comfort of Christmas
When life is hard, there is comfort and joy in the message of Christ's coming.
He Who is Mighty, Born of a Virgin
Let us not get so caught up in the busyness of Christmas that we in fact forget to worship the One who came to save us.
Can Offence Be Winsome?
A lesson on how and why to offend.