The Miracle Of Christmas
Christmas –a miracle from a God who’s in the business of miracles.
A Classic Christmas: Preparing for Christmas
Christmas wasn’t born in a day. How do we prepare our hearts and minds for Christ and the call of Christmas?
Post-Denominational Conversations
In a world where divisions seem to be deepening constantly, we must be challenged to rethink how we approach unity within the Church. This is where post-denominationalism becomes crucial.
Hope Under Pressure Pt. 1 | Mike Edwards
Join us as we study through 1 Thessalonians.
Got Questions?: The Second Coming
As we wrap up our “Got Questions?” series, we tackle one of Christian theology's most debated and fascinating topics: the Second Coming of Christ.
Got Questions?: Demons
As we continue our "Got Questions?" series, Week 4 dives into a topic that can feel uncomfortable yet is vital for every believer: demons. Are they real? What do they do? And how should we, as followers of Christ, respond to their influence in our lives?
Got Questions?: Angels
Angels are often thought of as mysterious, otherworldly beings—but what does the Bible really say about them? In our latest sermon, we explore the incredible truth about angels and their role in God's plan.
Got Questions?: Hell
Have you ever wondered about Hell? Is it real? If it’s real, how could a loving God send people there? Who ends up there –just the worst people …right? Is it eternal, like Heaven?
The Insurrectionist Leader Pt. 1
Join us as we study through 1 Thessalonians.
Got Questions? : Heaven
Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? Today, in the first week of our new series, “Got Questions?”, we tackled a big one as we walked through three important truths about Heaven.
Marks Of An Insurrectionist Pt. 2 | Steve Whitlow
Join us for INSURRECTIONISTS, a study through 1 Thessalonians.
Fully Clothed Christianity
In verses 25-32, Paul gives us a powerful image: just like we change our clothes, we’re called to take off the old self and put on the new. But this isn’t just a passive transformation—it’s an active responsibility we must embrace with the help of the Holy Spirit.