Your Kids Need Church To Be Strange
Your kids don’t need church to feel familiar—they need it to be so distinct, so strange, that it sparks the question: 'Why do we worship like this?'
How Older Women Can Help Younger Ones
Young Christian moms are overwhelmed by the flood of new ideas and spiritual trends—will older women step up to provide the wisdom and discernment they desperately need?
The pseudoscience of psychology has replaced the Bible as the guide for raising children. With disastrous effects.
God’s Good Design: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Guide to Human Sexuality
God's design for human sexuality has been ignored and mocked. Michael Clary's book shows why we need to fight for this truth.
Why Did God Allow Polygamy in the Bible?
If God was soft on polygamy in Scripture, does that open the door for same-sex 'marriage'?
Why Biblical Parenting May Be The Most Controversial Topic In The World
People say that talking about politics and religion are too controversial. I think parenting may be the most contentious of all.
In Defence Of Baptizing Believing Young Children | Perspective 2
Justin Peters recently said that believing children should not get baptized until their mid-teenage years. Here's why I disagree.
Don't Baptize Young Children | Perspective 1
Justin Peters was recently the center of controversy by saying not to baptize believing young children. Here's why I think he's right.
Christians in Australia Have Forged a New Creed to Combat ‘Sexual Heresies’ — Read It Here
Though new creeds don't come along all that often, Australian Christians have put one together to clarify the Bible's position on sexuality, helping teach the church and protect Christians from woke government and corporate tyranny.
IKEA vs Heirlooms: Why We Need Family Treasures
In a world of disposable decor, can treasures reconnect us with both our past and our future?
Answers For Kids On Hell & Demons
What is hell, who goes there, and who is Satan - plus more!
The Big Secret In Christian Families: Parents Should Not Be Child-Focused
Children should be oriented around the life of their parents, not the other way round.
How to Turn Halloween Into Reformation Day for Your Family
As Halloween approaches, many Christian families find themselves weighing different ways to celebrate—or avoid—the holiday. But what if there were a powerful, faith-filled alternative that commemorates a pivotal moment in history and brings the family together?
Answering Kids’ Five Biggest Questions On Heaven And Angels
Kids have lots of questions about theology that most adults haven't thought about in a long time. Here's how to answer some big ones on the afterlife and the angelic.
Stop Overcomplicating Everything
Modern life has become unnecessarily complicated, and there's a deep need to return to the simplicity and clarity found in biblical principles.
How To (Actually) Talk To Your Kids About Purity
90s purity culture had good aims but a couple of flaws. Here's what we should change when talking to our young people about waiting for marriage.
The Secret Weapon To Building God's Kingdom: Godly Marriages
Discover how godly marriages hold the key to expanding God's Kingdom and fulfilling His divine plan in ways you may have never realized!
What Christianity Today Gets Completely Wrong About Public Schools
Are homeschooled kids really as sheltered as they are made out to be?