The Comfort of Christmas
When life is hard, there is comfort and joy in the message of Christ's coming.
Post Tenebras Lux
The promise of the gospel is not that the world will never have darkness, but that light will prevail.
The Danger Of Ignoring God’s Law
Christians who are concerned to be centered on the gospel can easily overlook the fact that the same God who gave us the gospel has also given us his law. And we can never honor God’s gospel by despising his law.
A Teachable Moment Regarding Recent SBC Leadership
They say never let a good crisis go to waste. The left is very good at doing this, and recently one of the SBC's most liberal figures tried to tie a sexual abuse case to conservative organizations. Here's Tom Ascol's response.
Living as Sons of Issachar: Knowing What Time It Is
Christians are far too prone to bury their heads in the sand, hoping the world will pass them by. Here's why we must not do that.