Good article. Much and probably most of modern Christianity's statements on God's love misrepresent the Biblical understanding of His love. You can misrepresent God by over-emphasizing certain aspects of God to the exclusion other aspects of His Divine Nature. The Biblical account presents a God who is Holy & Righteous. A God of Justice & Judgement. A God Wrath & Condemnation. And yes, a God who Hates as well.
He is also a God of grace, loving kindness and tender mercy. But God does not ignore or excuse sin, nor does He sweep it under the carpet. He deals with it judicially in accordance with His Righteousness and Justice. His Love, Mercy, & Grace are extended to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. And He makes it clear that all who reject His Love, Mercy, & Grace remain under the condemnation of His Wrath & Judgement!