The Case Against Evil Stomach Goblins
How do we communicate the gospel to a generation that has no understanding of the basic language that explains it?
In the Boneyard of Dead Orthodoxy
Dead orthodoxy looks alive on the outside but rots within. How can we guard against a lifeless faith that knows truth but lacks transformation?
How Older Women Can Help Younger Ones
Young Christian moms are overwhelmed by the flood of new ideas and spiritual trends—will older women step up to provide the wisdom and discernment they desperately need?
Fear Not
n a world gripped by fear, Christians are commanded 'Fear not!'—for Christ has come to rescue us from sin, death, and the greatest fears of all
How To Cause Godly Grief
We should make people upset. When necessary.
The Comfort of Christmas
When life is hard, there is comfort and joy in the message of Christ's coming.
He Who is Mighty, Born of a Virgin
Let us not get so caught up in the busyness of Christmas that we in fact forget to worship the One who came to save us.
Can Offence Be Winsome?
A lesson on how and why to offend.
Do You Desire Repentance or Revenge?
When the guilty repent, would your heart celebrate—or condemn God’s grace?
The Miracle Of Christmas
Christmas –a miracle from a God who’s in the business of miracles.
Post Tenebras Lux
The promise of the gospel is not that the world will never have darkness, but that light will prevail.
From Doubt to Assurance: The Power of Self-Examination
he difference between real faith and false hope is razor-thin—where do you stand?
Winsome or Weak? Rethinking the Evangelical Approach to Resistance
Gentleness is not always the right response. Sometimes boldness and judgment are necessary for faithful witness.
A Classic Christmas: Preparing for Christmas
Christmas wasn’t born in a day. How do we prepare our hearts and minds for Christ and the call of Christmas?