Answers For Kids On Hell & Demons
This is part 2 of 3 in the “Got Questions? Clear Answers for Kids” series. If you haven’t read part 1 about heaven & angels, feel free to check it out and come back.
Here are my top 5 big questions (and answers) that kids ask about hell & demons:
Question: “What is hell?”
Answer: “Hell is a place of eternal punishment and separation from God’s goodness.”
While the thought of eternal “punishment and separation from God’s goodness” might seem a little ambiguous, there are some visuals found in scripture that help to make sense of it. If you have an older kid who is ready for more details, Matthew 25:30-46, Mark 9:43, and Revelation 20 are some passages to start reading more about Hell.
Question: “Can we say ‘hell’ or is it a bad word?”
Answer: “Yes, if you’re talking about the place.”
Obviously this is up to your parental discretion, however, I would suggest adding: “Hell is a real place, so if you are talking about the place, then you can say it. If you are using it in a derogatory or inappropriate context, then no.”
Question: “Who goes there?”
Answer: “Satan, demons, and people who do not love and follow Jesus.”
After people die, our bodies remain on Earth and our souls go to either heaven or hell. People who love and follow Jesus will go to Heaven after they die. People who don’t love Jesus will be forever separated from Him in a place called Hell.
Question: “Who is Satan and what does he do?”
Answer: “Satan is God’s enemy.”
Satan has other names in the Bible, like Lucifer, the devil, the serpent, and the father of lies. He was created by God as an angel, but he didn’t want to serve and obey God like angels do. Instead, he wanted to be God. Because of his sin and disobedience, he was kicked out of heaven. Satan is the leader of the demons.
Question: “Are demons real and what are they?”
Answer: “Yes, demons are real. Demons are probably sinful angels who chose to disobey God. They now serve Satan by carrying out his plans of evil, pain, sorrow, death, and darkness in the world.”
Demons probably used to be good angels, but they sinned, were kicked out of heaven, and cannot serve God anymore. Instead, they serve Satan. They try to destroy the good plans God has by tempting God’s people to sin. 2 Peter 2:4
While the thought of Satan and his demons can be scary for some kids, this is the perfect opportunity to talk about who God is and why we don’t have to be afraid:
God is omnipotent: only he has unlimited power. Satan and his demons are not; they have limited power on Earth. Even though they do have some power, God is always in control.
God is just: He is perfectly fair and is right to punish sin. We know that all sin leads to death and separation from God’s goodness. When Satan sinned, he too was separated from God’s goodness. God will punish Satan for his sin.
God is merciful: He does not give his children the punishment they deserve, but instead He gives us grace and forgiveness. God does not show Satan or his demons mercy.