On The Death of Free Speech and Human Liberty - ft Kurt Mahlburg and Mike the Cop
In this Live show, Kurt Mahlburg and Mike the Cop. share their thoughts about free speech and human liberty.
Post-Denominational Conversations
In a world where divisions seem to be deepening constantly, we must be challenged to rethink how we approach unity within the Church. This is where post-denominationalism becomes crucial.
Hope Under Pressure Pt. 1 | Mike Edwards
Join us as we study through 1 Thessalonians.
A Gospel Punch To The Face Pt. 2 | Mike Edwards
Part two of Mike's sermon, a Gospel Punch to the Face. Sometimes we don’t see how God works in our current circumstances or when we try to lean into the future, but we can always look back and see God’s faithfulness and His hand at work.
A Gospel Punch to the Face Pt.1
Sometimes we don’t see how God works in our current circumstances or when we try to lean into the future, but we can always look back and see God’s faithfulness and His hand at work.
Punching Back At Equity
Angela Carini dropped to her knees in tears, beaten in just 46 seconds by a biological male. This madness must end.
A Gospel Punch to the Face
Sermon by Mike Edwards at Redemption Church.
With the RNC concluding yesterday, Christians have a lot to think about when it comes to our current political situation. Here's why, in spite of the many issues on display, Mike Edwards believes you can still vote for Trump.