The pseudoscience of psychology has replaced the Bible as the guide for raising children. With disastrous effects.
Why Biblical Parenting May Be The Most Controversial Topic In The World
People say that talking about politics and religion are too controversial. I think parenting may be the most contentious of all.
The Shift In Child Rearing That Has Destroyed The American Family
How did America’s child-rearing philosophy flip from respect and responsibility to emotional appeasement, creating a generation of soap-opera stars running the family show?
The Big Secret In Christian Families: Parents Should Not Be Child-Focused
Children should be oriented around the life of their parents, not the other way round.
Answering Kids’ Five Biggest Questions On Heaven And Angels
Kids have lots of questions about theology that most adults haven't thought about in a long time. Here's how to answer some big ones on the afterlife and the angelic.
Your Kids Need REAL Answers To Hard Questions
Christian cliches are not good enough to train up young disciples. They need so much more.
And Keep On Going Forth: Six Steps To Raising Independent Kids
Nearly half of all young people ages 18 to 29 still living with their parents. This should not be the case.
Don't 'Parent' Your Children... Raise Them
Parenting vs Child Rearing. These are not the same thing, and the difference is vital.
Training Your Toddler to Battle Porn
Most people think the battle against pornography starts when your children hit their teenage years. In reality, you need to start much, much earlier than that.
A Defence Of Raising Toddlers As A 'Legalist'
Young children don't need typically need conversations about why or how something is right or wrong, they just need good rules.
The Duty Of Tired Christian Moms
As you labor, where do you envision the finish line? Is it retiring in Florida at 65? Is it high school graduation for your youngest child? Is it 5PM, when your husband gets home and you lock yourself in the bathroom to unwind? But what if the finish line keeps moving?
The Gospel Of Housekeeping
Your home should be used as a tool of worship and service, not as an object of worship and service.
Whose Opportunity Cost?: Why Shaming Motherhood Is A Bad Idea
With fertility rates in rapid decline across the globe and widespread arguments made that to give up a career for kids is 'wasted potential', we need to ask the question in reverse: what is the cost of NOT having children?