Four Losers From Last Week's Election
We know who won the election; it wasn’t even close. And there are about to be four years of so much winning that some people—though not me—might say, “No more winning, we’re tired of so much winning.” While pundits analyze why Trump and the Republicans succeeded, it is equally important to examine who lost. Recognizing those who were soundly defeated will help us focus on the mandate given to us for the next four years. We must ensure they do not merely change the names of their failed philosophies and try again. Our battle is a spiritual battle against the falsehoods that have organized themselves against the knowledge of God–we can demolish every such argument to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5).
Here’s an initial list of those who lost:
The Universities of America
American universities are bastions for the Democrat Party and the radical leftist ideology that undergirds it, with conservatives greatly outnumbered not only in the faculty but also among graduates, who have typically become leftwing after their four years of indoctrination. Professors and administrators have freely pushed their agenda onto a captive audience of students, using class time to promote critical theory, social justice, Kinsey’s sexual philosophy, Money’s trans surgeries, and Marxist economic theories. Administrators drape campuses in rainbow flags and mandate courses on “sustainability” and “social justice.”
Parents and potential students are more aware than ever of this corruption. Parents and college students have an opportunity to reject their hegemony and homogeneity (two words professors love to use but ironically never realize may apply to them). We must prevent these institutions from merely rebranding failed ideas. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is justly under threat, and “social justice” has been exposed as injustice. We must remain vigilant to ensure these ideas, whatever their new names may be, stay in the dustbin. True intellectual diversity must return to campuses. They must be places of open debate with the goal of producing wise, virtuous graduates.
Anti-Christian Philosophies
This was also a battle of ideology. Ideas like those mentioned above from Kinsey, Money and Marx seemed so entrenched that many Christians believed we lived in a “post-Christian” era. Christian intellectuals suggested something of a retreat, such as Rod Dreher in the Benedict Option work (though he denies the accusation).
However, we have seen what happens when we instead confront such bullies, and that they turn out to be more of a paper Goliath than expected.
Something I witnessed firsthand as the faculty advisor for three TPUSA clubs at ASU was how Charlie Kirk became one of the heroes of this victory. He demonstrated that civil, rational dialogue on college campuses can expose flawed philosophies by spending time answering any question college students wanted to ask. And in so doing, he demonstrated they are not currently getting much of an education at these universities. This approach made a significant impact in this election. At his campus event, students were pro-Trump and engaged with practical questions about balancing work and family, not debates about sex change operations for children, showing that students can be sane, rational and moral when offered the chance.
Big Eva
A near-endless list of evangelical pastors lectured us on Trump’s immorality, claiming it to be more important than his policies or the evils of Kamala Harris. They urged compromise with the much greater evils of Harris and the Democratic Party to reject the lesser one of Trump’s personality flaws. Such pastors have lost credibility, with many turning them off and seeking teachers with greater integrity, soundness of mind, and understanding of the times.
The “middle way” and “both sides have a point” approach is over. The Democratic Party’s increasingly vile stance on sexual ethics and abortion practices destroyed any legitimate argument for Christian support.
Remember those pastors who said they voted for Harris. They failed to discern between good and evil and yet want to be your teachers. Remember the pastors who said not to vote for Trump. You need not listen to them or buy their books. Christian resources that compromised with far-left ideologies can now be dismissed alongside the anti-Christian philosophies with which they aligned.
Anti-Americanism lost in all forms. One of which being Marxist communism, which wants to remake the United States into another failed Communist utopia built on empty promises. Others who argue for a fundamental restructuring away from historic American values of free discourse have also been defeated.
We don’t have to return to past failed solutions in any form. The election showed that you can and should be able to persuade your fellow citizens. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights give us the freedom to reason and argue, and those who long for an authority that enforces ideology or face punishment show us that they do not understand the role of logic and knowledge in human life.
Rather than longing for a totalitarian government that tells us what to do, let’s use the freedom of conscience and expression given to us. The United States is uniquely founded on such freedoms, and we should pray for their advancement and defend them wherever we can.
Continuing The Fight
We won a battle. This was a sign of God’s mercy. But we must continue the fight. We must remain vigilant. Those advocating for elective abortions up to birth, sex change operations for children, open borders, lawlessness, and centralized control will not relent. They will continue their fight against the Lord and His law. The country remains deeply divided, and many elites—especially in universities—still oppose God.
Furthermore, we are still under judgment for our national sins. A reprieve has been granted, but it will not last forever if we continue in this same vein.
Thankfully, we have been given time to turn things around. And right now, we must stand on God’s promises, knowing that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea. With this confidence, we must continue to confront those who peddle false philosophies, teaching the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus whom he sent, for this is eternal life (John 17:3).