8 Lessons From 2 Corinthians 13
My men’s group just finished its seven month study of 2 Corinthians and I was struck by the power of the final chapter. I highly recommend studying the whole book, but for now, here are eight lessons to apply today.
Lesson #1 (v1): Don’t jump on the accusation bandwagon
It is easy to see the latest X post and blast a celebrity Christian or read your local Karen’s most recent FB post and jump to conclusions. The guilt bandwagon can destroy reputations, ruin relationships, and cause damage in the body. Slow down and see how things develop.
“This is the third time I am coming to you. Every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
Lesson #2 (v2-4): Jesus isn’t weak and your pastor shouldn’t be either
Sin is serious business and it should be taken seriously. Find yourself a church and a pastor who takes sin as seriously as the Bible does.
“I warned those who sinned before…I will not spare them…” 2 Corinthians 13:2
Lesson #3 (v5): Examine and test yourself
Our faith is not a fruitless endeavor. The Christian ought to make a daily practice (Hebrews 3:13) of examining his faith and testing to see whether or not it is genuine. Some tests of genuine faith are: doctrinal faithfulness, moral faithfulness, and perseverence through trial. When was the last time you tested the genuine nature of your faith?
“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?--unless indeed you fail to meet the rest!” 2 Corinthians 13:5
Lesson #4 (v6-7): Follow biblically faithful leaders
There is a difference between faithful and perfect. Faithful leaders may sin, but they will repent. You can find a great list for what a faithful leader looks like in Titus 1. As you are selecting a church or even learning from resources outside of your local church, evaluate the person based on the three tests above: doctrinal, moral, and trial. I’d add to that a financial test as well: are they peddling the gospel or seeking dishonest gain? In general, ask if this leader proven to be faithful, even if they are imperfect.
“I hope that you will find out that we have not failed the test.” 2 Corinthians 13:6
Lesson #5 (v8): Always love the truth, because it is only by the truth that we are set free and sanctified
Seek out a Clear Truth church where the unfiltered word of God will be preached regularly.
“For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.” 2 Corinthians 13:8
Lesson #6 (v9-10): Remember that spiritual authority is about building up not tearing down
Whether you are a parent, friend, pastor, boss, elder, deacon, staff member, volunteer, or everyday saint, remember that your influence and authority should be used to build up the body and not to tear it down. Life is tough enough; let’s build each other up.
“...in my use of the authority that the Lord has given me for building up and not for tearing down.” 2 Corinthians 13:10
Lesson #7 (v11): Aim for restoration
Our target is to be at peace with God and at peace with each other, particularly in the body of Christ. Remember the great words of Benjamin Martin, “Aim small, miss small.” Aim for perfect restoration, if you miss the mark a little, your relationships will still be better than 99% of people.
“...Aim for restoration…” 2 Corinthians 13:11
Lesson #8 (v12-14): Bring joy and blessing to your brothers and sisters
Paul ends the letter with a good ole’ benediction. He reminds the saints how much he values them and enjoys them. Whenever you interact with a brother or sister shower them with joy and bless them as you depart. And let me do the same:
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!! “2 Corinthians 13:14