I get why people might hope for the incredibly weak Biden to remain the opponent over someone like Obama who might be more difficult to defeat politically. However, two concerns give me pause before praying for that.

First, how much trouble might be caused between now and next January? It isn't just America that saw how mentally unfit the leader of this nation is. How many power hungry enemies might try to take more advantage and cause great harm around the world? For all the previous absurd rhetoric around the 25th amendment, it now seems we have a situation where it legitimately should be invoked. Although, is Kamala much better?

The second reason relates to this -
"the same clawing, arrogant covetousness that fuelled the machine that brought Biden to power".
How far would that kind of machine go in order to win? How much does that kind of machine care about what is legal or moral.

I've heard people wonder if they would imprison Trump and declare Trump inelligible or if they would "retire" Trump to a farm? Biden wins by default. Or if they would drum up a new "insurrection", a new worse covid, a war, or some other way to justify enacting martial law and "postpone" the election. Will they really just let Trump win this election and accept it? These people have already demonstrated that they crave power and are willing to go to great lengths to keep it.

I don't know the future and I'm not saying we should be crazy conspiracy theorists or the sky is falling. I'm just saying that many things like this have happened throughout history so we shouldn't be surprised if once again a group of evil people act in accordance with their beliefs and nature.