10 Myths About Lust Most People Believe
Don't get caught in these traps about your own lust. Deal with it biblically instead.
Francis Schaeffer and Fifty Shades of Grey
In an age of sexual perversion and redefined boundaries, what does it mean to honor the image of God within ourselves and in our relationships?
Our Biggest Articles This Week
What Christianity Today Gets Completely Wrong About Public Schools, Four Poisonous Features of Loser Christianity, Do You Even Fast Bro?, and Mental Pornography
Mental Pornography: Winning the Battle with Lust
The battle with lust must be fought at the level of the mind and heart. Here's how to do that:
Training Your Toddler to Battle Porn
Most people think the battle against pornography starts when your children hit their teenage years. In reality, you need to start much, much earlier than that.
How To Slay The Dragon Of Pornography
In my previous article on this topic, I discussed how pornography is a force that can destroy the world. Here, however, I want to ask: how do we slay this dragon?
Porn: The Dragon Of Our Age
Pornography is not only easier than ever to access, it is an attack on what it means to be human.