Totalitarian Democracy: How Progressive Elites Trick Voters Into Submission
“We must preserve our democracy!” This seems to be the recent mantra of progressives, a moral imperative that must be adhered to. And yet their version of democracy seemingly involves the total eradication of individual liberties.
From the Magna Carta to the Declaration of Independence, the Western World has long believed that the power of one man is dangerous. Our forebears set up governmental structures, including the democratic election of representatives who would make the laws on our behalf, to keep us from being enslaved by totalitarian dictates. Yet over the last several decades we have seen how such representatives have manipulated the populace into voting away their freedoms. We have witnessed a consolidation of power over people who are convinced that such consolidation preserves their freedoms rather than usurps their power..
Welcome to totalitarian democracy. An ideological governmental concept that leaves the electorate with a feeling of power while simultaneously subjecting citizens to extreme measures of control. Once the land of the free, America now has a surprisingly significant portion of its population willing to argue for forced vaccinations, forced removal of firearms, increased taxation, and ever-increasing government interference.
Perhaps in a future article I will expand on the anatomy of a totalitarian democracy, but for now I would like you to consider three significant factors that make this reality possible. What causes people to think they retain personal freedom and autonomy while being shackled to the most confining of totalitarian chains?
1 - The Educational Erosion of Common Sense
Our schools are teaching feelings over facts. While concrete scientific realities are occasionally discussed in the classroom, the students are primarily inculcated with the notion that should scientific, mathematical or historical data conflict with their feelings, then they are free to reject reality. As early as kindergarten students are taught to identify basic animals, yet in some schools students are allowed to identify as those animals. They are taught what a dog is, but they are also taught that a dog is not a dog if your feelings tell you otherwise. Maybe you are a dog.
Gender ideology not only impacts the areas of study under its immediate purview, those of human sexuality, but furthermore erodes any kind of reality or truth anywhere, even where truth is correctly taught. Its appeal to emotion prepares the masses to be swayed by their ‘feels’ in just about any area of life. Wokeness would end almost overnight if rational thinking prevailed, but if people are taught that the truth can be twisted to conform to our feelings, then such ideologies can win the day.
The erosion of rational thought is critical to establishing totalitarian democracy.
2 - The Propagandizing of the Media
‘Feeling over fact’ alone, however, is not sufficient for a totalitarian democracy to arise. Even our feelings need affirmation in a totalitarian democracy, and so a strong propaganda arm, the mainstream media, is an essential tool to creating an environment in which people will vote away their civil liberties.
Such propaganda has three basic elements:
- Ommission: Any news that might shed light on a reality that would cause someone to question the governmental direction must be omitted. Just don’t report on it.
- Perversion: Any news that is reported must be perverted or twisted to fit the existing narrative. We have seen zero reporting on the lack of due process for hundreds incarcerated surrounding January 6. The story of George Floyd could have been spun into a cautionary tale of the dangers of counterfeiting currency and overdosing on drugs. Twisting the stories to the narrative is a key aspect of propaganda.
- Subversion: All other news is targeted at painting opposition as evil. If the story cannot be omitted or perverted it must be subverted. The hero must become the villain. The parent standing against nonsense in the school is not protecting the child but attacking the teacher. The hero standing for life becomes enemy number one to women’s health care. Subvert the truth when you cannot pervert or omit it.
By a process of omission, perversion and subversion the totalitarian state controls the thought of the already emotionally susceptible masses. With the education system having eroded their ability to think critically about news stories, clear propaganda transforms into a compelling argument to those led solely by their emotions.
3 - The Censorship of the Opposition
But what if someone is able to recognize such propaganda and throw off the emotional manipulation of the masses? What if they recognize that the cold hard facts are different from the prevailing narrative? The minority of people who notice that things like Ivermectin could save millions of lives in a pandemic,or that vaccines had a notably higher vaccine injury rate than first admitted, not to mention much lower efficacy? What about those who see that printing money does nothing else but to drive up inflation and enable the ever-rising mountain of national debt? Or the truly insightful prophets of our day, who recognize things that infant children know from birth, namely that men cannot become women? Such voices of truth must be censored.
In the totalitarian democracy, where cogent pushback in an open marketplace of ideas would untangle the web of lies on which such power was built, dissenters must be silenced. They can be canceled from universities, blacklisted from the institutions of repute, and removed from any mainstream media platforms. And if they build their own, they can be litigated into oblivion. No need to engage in an argument with someone like that.
Those who engage in such subversion of the West know that they cannot succeed if they are open about their aims. So instead they co-opt the language of democracy, assuring the electorate that they are the ones who stand on the side of the people, and that ceding just a little bit more liberty to the state is all that is needed to ensure the people can remain ‘free’. Hopefully the above will shed some light on why a significant portion of the people have fallen for the scam, and enable you to not do the same.